Monday, October 26, 2009

Here are the best of the pictures I took to this week--

The attributes I chose to highlight in Adie are her intricate collecting, her love of antique practices, and the juxtaposition between that and the technology she uses for school. The knitting represents her love of tactile projects, the cactus represents her roots (Arizona) and her interest in botany. The rotary phone represents the "old school" practices, and the laptop represents the new technology.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cailyn,
    Thanks for posting your work.I think the third image is probably the most successful in terms of cropping, her expression, etc (up to you which one you use). Because part of the strength of the image is its density, I would consider replacing the white wall with some other material that would add to that effect. I can't see the quality of the image very well, so just make sure to reshoot anything that is out of focus, or not at the best angle, washed out etc. Its looking pretty good though - love the colors.


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